In many projects of web developement I had to make the forms more dynamic to integreate easily many syntax tests. After many research on the web and tests I chose a DHTML tools Form-Validation by DhtmlGoodies.
Somes functions of this tools were absent. So to integrate them I had to modificate this tool.
Added Functions :
autoSkip : skip to the next zone when we enter the maximall number of charactere.
Display error message : You can define an error zone to display this message.
Added Checkboxs and radio butons
Two displays errors levels "zone" and "line"
Add callback function to offer the possibility of executing javascript code during validation or invalidation of a zone or all forms.
Format of the numerical's zones
You can use this code with any web developement language (PHP, ASP, JSP, HTML, ...).
To add this function in your code you must :
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